Textile industry, Textile industry 2024, new quality productivity of textile industry, Future trends of textile industry,Binzhou Hengfeng Chemical Fiber Products Co., Ltd.
[Textile industry to cultivate and develop new quality productivity!]
Release date:[19:05:04] Total access[245]Secondary

Textile industry to cultivate and develop new quality productivity!

The textile industry is in a critical period of transition to a more advanced form and a more reasonable structure, around the strategic direction of building a modern textile industrial system, the development of new quality productivity is the internal requirements and fundamental driving force to promote the high-quality development of the industry.

The textile industry should base on the advantages of the domestic unified market and give full play to the role of the incubator, accelerator and amplifier of the market to promote industrial scientific and technological innovation. Accelerate the low-carbon transformation of industries, promote green development, actively practice social responsibility, and form a good market ecology that encourages enterprises to innovate and take responsibility. We will integrate into the new dual-cycle development pattern, optimize the layout of domestic industries while taking into account efficiency and safety, expand high-level opening up to the outside world, and create a good environment for the development of new quality productivity.

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